Experts Evaluation - Services for External Action

Freelancer, Part-time · France

Note: this post is not restricted to France. Read on for the eligibility criteria

Technopolis Group is now part of the consortium led by Particip that has been awarded Lots 16 (Evaluation at Intervention Level) and 17 (Strategic Evaluation) of EU’s new Framework Contract (FWC) SEA 2023.
The FWC SEA 2023 is intended to support the EC Directorates-General in charge of the implementation of External Action (DG INTPA, DG NEAR, DG ECHO, FPI, EU Delegations). Lots 16 and 17 support EC services in carrying out external and evidence-based evaluation of EU external action in partner countries and regions worldwide, and can include ex-ante, mid-term, final or ex-post evaluations. Intervention evaluations (Lot 16) will focus on projects and programmes while strategic evaluations (Lot 17) will analyse policies, strategies and larger portfolios of interventions.
The prospective scale of operations within these two transversal lots amount to 120 million Euros (Lot 16) and 40 million Euros (Lot 17) for over a period of two years, with a possible two-year extension.
About this job
The FWC’s objective aligns seamlessly with our mission to help decision-makers understand complex transitions and systemic change to improve policies toward sustainability and engage the wider society.
Your profile
Experts in Health, Education, Private Sector Development, Climate, Energy, Biodiversity, Research and Innovation, Migration can use this contact form to express their interest.
About us

Technopolis Group started as a consultancy firm for the evaluation of science, technology and innovation. While evaluation is still at the core of our company, we have over the years built up the know-how to support decision making on a broad range of topics. Our experts provide strategy and foresight, manage networks and provide project management support for even the most complex projects. We are acquainted with a wide range of quantitative methods and deliver advanced data analytics that is ahead of the curve. We evaluate policies, evaluate their impact and communicate them effectively to experts and the broader public. We never settle for out-of-the-box solutions but work with our clients to find the approach that best fits their needs.

We work with decision-makers in different levels and fields, from international institutions, such as the European Commission, the OECD and multilateral development banks, to regional and local authorities. Our clients include universities and R&D centres, network organisations such as business associations, clusters and incubators as well as governments.

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